How Does Sweep Imp Work?
Keeping track of your sweeps is hard.
Whether you are using browser favorites, a spreadsheet or endlessly scrolling through your timeline:
Who knows if you really entered or texted all the dailies, weeklies and others you need to enter or text today?
Who knows when is the right time to share those referrals again?
Who knows if there’s a sweep you won, but you are about to miss just because you forgot to check it on time?
Sweep Imp knows.

1. Add a Sweep
This will let Sweep Imp know when you need to enter, share or text the sweep, and when it will end.
You can add dailies, weeklies, Facebook, Instagram and every kind of sweep you can think of – even text sweeps!

2. Go Over the "Today" List
Due entries, shares and even texts will show in “Today” list. All you need to do is click or tap the entry, share or text* buttons.
Click or tap a share – a share window opens, an entry – and you’ve entered the sweep, tap a text* – and the messages app opens, with the text ready to be sent. Easy.
Oh, did we say you can also use Sweep Imp on your phone?

3. Go Over the "Ended" List
This is where you check if you won.
You’ll never miss a sweep you won just because you forgot to claim it, all ended sweeps are automatically organized here.
Check who won with a single click or tap on the open button, and mark your wins to keep track of them too.

4. Easy Taxes
Sweep Imp will keep track of your wins (if you mark them), and sum them up by year and month.
Filling your tax forms have never been easier!